It is true that the university degree is becoming commonplace. It is also true that a certificate no longer guarantees employment, especially in the advertising and creative communications industry.
Since 2008, CHINI Africa has been working with various universities and the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) to create a professional immersion experience for students who would like to work in the advertising and allied industries through the Future Creative Leaders Academy. This is an annual event held as part of the Pitcher Festival of Creativity. The programme has yielded huge results over the years. The first is that the interaction between the students and the facilitators usually result in employments. Also, several of the participants have won an all-expense-paid trip to Cannes Lions Festival, the Dubai Lynx Festival and the Google Campus programme in Mountainview, California, USA. The goal is to help them become an all-rounded graduate ready to excel on the job.
The new KreativeKlub Mentorship Programme is designed to take CHINI Africa's youth development programmes to a whole new level by pairing each participating student or young graduate with a seasoned professional who will provide continuous professional guidance and support using a structured mentorship model. The KreativeKlub Mentorship Programme will also assist participants to secure placement for internship in reputable companies in their country of study or elsewhere subject to possession of immigration permits.
Participation in KreativeKlub Mentorship Programme is open to students in tertiary institutions or young graduates who must be at least 18 years and subscribed to the annual membership of the KreativeKlub Talent category. In addition to the opportunity to participate in the mentorship programme, the KreativeKlub Talent membership category also avails a lot of other benefits including access to all KreativeKlub online events, access to the KreativeKlub Archive and Video Resources, discount on books from the KreativeKlub Bookshelf and other items purchased from the KreativeKlub shop. The KreativeKlub Talent category members can also request for bursary to attend the Future Creative Leaders Academy.
The Talent category is the beginners membership level. The senior membership levels are Pro, Master and Legend categories. The various categories are designed to meet the requirements of professionals at every stage of their career journey.